All-AKPsi Academic Team
The Foundation’s All-AKPsi Academic Team recognizes students who maintain excellence in academic standing while also making positive contributions to their campus and community.
Identifying Top Scholars
Team members have junior or senior full-time student status and a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher (on a 4.0 scale)*. The selection process measures an applicant’s ability to balance the following attributes:
- Pursuit of a degree
- Development of leadership skills
- Interactive extracurricular participation,
- Sense of social responsibility
From among the successful applicants, two or more outstanding individuals are selected as the Top Scholar Award recipients and are recognized with educational grants.
*UK students have a percentage mark average of 65% or above
The 2024-25 Applications are now open!
Note: Anyone who completes the application process and meets the criteria will automatically be named to the team.
2023-24 All-AKPsi Academic Team Roster
* Denotes Team Captain
Kaiya Abamu, North Texas ’22
Derek Adams, Idaho Sate ’22
Madison Arndt, Toledo ’22*
Bryan Baker, Dayton ’22*
Ashley Barrett, Boise State ’22
Melisa Bilgili, NJIT ’22
Lydia Bishop, Idaho Sate ’22
Clay Brandt, Baylor ’22
Brendan Burns, Loyola Chicago ’22
Micah Chang, College of William and Mary ’23
Michael Chheng, Texas at Dallas ’21
Ojas Chitnis, George Washington ’21
Nathan Clark, Texas Tech ’22
Kayla Conti, Nebraska – Lincoln ’22
Sarah Cornwell, Tennessee – Martin ’23
Alec Cousino, Wayne State ’23
Nathan Daniel, North Texas ’23
Julia de Moraes, George Mason ’22
Zoe Dean-Neil, Pittsburgh – Johnstown ’23
Diego Delgado, Florida State ’22
Connor Devlin, College of William and Mary ’21
Co-Tu Doan, Maryland ’22
Zachary Ekedahl, Indiana ’21
Isabelle Grace Ernst, College of William and Mary ’21
Alecia G Fitzgerald, Creighton ’21
Ella Foes, Alabama ’22*
Gerald Ford, Seton Hall ’22
Melinda Goldfedder, College of William and Mary ’23*
Mariana Gonzalez, Texas Tech ’22
Maddie Goodman, Loyola Chicago ’22
Kyra Goyal, Baylor ’21
Jenna Harris, Texas Tech ’21
Wendy Huang, New York ’22
Colin Hudnell, Cincinnati ’22
Devin Ingram, New York ’21*
Kevin Jose, Texas at Dallas ’21
Macy Kerner, Southern Methodist ’22
Brendan King, Slippery Rock ’23
Ryan Kluge, Illinois State ’21
Sapna Krishnan, Texas at Dallas ’22
Kalia Leach, Howard ’23*
Sophie Lee-Wren, Arizona State ’23
Maggie Lin, New York ’21
Andrew Linton, College of William and Mary ’21
Julia Liu, New York ’22
Katelyn Lobo, Texas at Dallas ’20
Kelan Lohler, Baylor ’23
Colton Lucas, Baylor ’22
Kyla Mays, Florida A&M ’22
Matthew McCarrigle, Saint Joseph’s ’22
Aleksandr Mednikov, Manchester ’21
Solomon Mesfin, Texas at Dallas ’22
Pakhe Mewani, NJIT ’22
David Monsalve, Seton Hall ’22
Morgan Muse, Florida A&M ’23
Sharun Naicker, Texas at Dallas ’22
Darius Nejad, Maryland ’21
Rhameek Nelson, Tennessee State ’21
Andrea Novotny, Illinois State ’23
Francis O’Bryne, Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ’21
Anthony Ortiz, Florida International ’22
Yiyi Ouyang, New York ’22
Abby Owens, Washington State ’21
Emmanuella Owusu, Nova Southeastern ’22
Jaden Parker, North Carolina – Charlotte ’22
Sumay Patel, Southern Methodist ’22
Lauren Pflueger, Loyola Chicago ’21
Sky Posey, Howard ’23
Pranavraj Prithviraju, Texas at Austin ’23
Alexia Ray, North Carolina – Greensboro ’23
Brooke Reagle, Slippery Rock ’21
Brent Robinson, Seton Hall ’21
Ayesha Sadaqat, Texas at Dallas ’21
Adam Salen, Baylor ’22
Ryan Salgado, Loyola Chicago ’22
Ryan Shah, North Carolina – Charlotte ’20
Taylor Shimizu, Southern Methodist ’22
Rachel Shimokawa, Portland ’22
Victoria Shubelyak, Wayne State ’22
Jackson Siemer, Baylor ’22
Frank Simpson, Saint Joseph’s ’22
Summer Sims, Maryland ’23
Alline Smith, Oregon ’23
Jason Soine, Loyola Chicago ’22
Caroline Speck, South Carolina ’23
Lainie Steven, Creighton ’20
Marcus Stewart, North Carolina – Charlotte ’22
Allie Streckfuss, Cincinnati ’23
Mark Szabo, George Mason ’23
Charles Tai, College of William and Mary ’21
Christian Taylor, Southern Methodist ’21
Karalyn Timmes, College of William and Mary ’22
Nathan Varghese, Texas at Dallas ’21
Jonathan Vergonio, Chapman ’22
Katianna Vilson, Central Florida ’22
Isaac Volk, Washington State ’22
Aarya Walvekar, George Mason ’23
Alexis Kathleen Wehrle, Pittsburgh ’21*
Jarvis Williams, North Texas ’23
Eden Williamson, Texas at Austin ’23
Alexiah Woods, Middle Tennessee State ’23
Lilly Wyborney, Washington State ’23
Rebecca Zhang, Maryland ’22*
Joshwa Zhang, Cincinnati ’23
* Denotes Team Captain